Jared Leto and 30 Seconds to Mars Try to Determine A Day In The Life of El Paso
Calling all Jared Leto and 30 Seconds To Mars fans, you're very much needed for a project of theirs! They need your help on filming what you think is vital to our country on the most important day...July 4th!
Jared wrote a letter to you that has five questions listed for you to answer about your Country in your film. Now something that would definitely be number one on filming in El Paso would be the United States barrier that is also known as the c*ck block. America means freedom to me and thankful we get to live in the land of the free. For El Paso it doesn't feel so free when we have a barrier that separates us from Mexico. Trump wants to build one of these along the entire border. We've had it for years so if he really wants to know how it makes people on both sides feel he should ask us.
The United States of America allows us to have freedom of pretty much everything like freedom of speech and also wearing what we want. If you want to be a false walking advertisement for men or women with butt enhancements, you can do just that! We have the freedom to lie about our butt or cup size unless you're taking the stand in front of a judge.
Jared also asks you to answer what you are afraid of and well I am positive you're afraid of snakes like myself. Yeah, the usual snakes you see on a trail or hiking the mountain but also the human form like Trump. Luckily, in El Paso we have signs that warn us about snakes that are around the area minus the human kind of snakes.
My hope and dream for our Country is to one day to see a President elected that both parties Democrats and Republicans will like. Unlike President Trump, who made himself hated by many for the harsh things he has said.