Just because the holidays are over doesn't mean you stop doing kind things. For example, the Opportunity Center for the Homeless is doing their best to help our homeless. I remember a long time ago I had the best conversation with a homeless man. He was definitely a writer because he shared a lot of his deep thoughts with me. Since meeting him I have always tried to do my best to help our less fortunate. I am asking for your help the next time you see someone who is in need. The weather has been extremely cold lately for El Paso and can imagine how it is for the homeless. I mean I can barely be outside for 5 minutes during our cold fronts that I don't see how they can. The OC for the Homeless would like you to be a helping hand for them. The Opportunity Center for the Homeless have been working with our Police Department. So if you can't donate to the homeless, you can still help them out in a big way. You can call the non-emergency number (915) 832-4400 to notify them where you spotted someone who is less fortunate. The police will give the homeless person a ride to the shelter so they can have a warm place to stay. The OC for the Homless support all ages that are found on the streets of El Paso. Please keep the kindness going this new year and lend a helping hand if you can't spare the change!

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