We had two celebrities in the studio on Friday. Comedian Willie Barcena was in at the same time as adult film actress Alexis Texas. We were able to convice both guests to play a game of "Are You Smarter Than a Porn Star".  Better still, we got Alexis to agree to make it a special Strip version of the game. For every wrong answer, the contestant had to remove an article of clothing.

We've got the whole thing on video, below.

All of the questions were from subjects that are typically taught in grade school and the difficulty level of all the questions ranged from second grade to fifth grade. Keep this in mind. None of the questions on "Are You Smarter Than a Porn Star" were more difficult than a fifth grade level.

So, who will win? A professional comedian or a professional porn star? I won't ruin the video but I will give you this much: one of them gave the wrong answer to the question: "How many instruments are there in a string quartet?".

Find out who by watching the video.

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