Widower Puts Out Ad To Find A Fishing Buddy
It's one of those stories that tugs right at your heartstrings. A 75 year old widower in Australia, just wanted to go fishing with someone. After his fishing buddy passed away, he put out an ad for a new fishing buddy.
"My name is Ray Johnstone. Australian. I'm a widowed pensioner who is looking for a fishing mate. My previous mate is now deceased," the grandfather-of-12 wrote on the ad.
He also said:
"I am willing to share all costs e.g. petrol bait and should you happen to own a boat willing to pay all ramp fees but happy if you are also a land based fisherman."
It took just 11 days for the ad to be viewed over 46,000 times. This, of course, led to a bunch of phone calls. Phone calls from all over Australia. But thankfully with so many calls, he was able to get it down to people in his area that he could go fishing with.