What Kind Of Skating Do You Do Around El Paso?
In El Paso, I always see skateboarders skating to wherever they are headed to but haven't really spotted any bladers around. The times you go out to skate parks in El Paso you will see more than a handful of skateboarders but no bladers or roller skaters.
It's Our Fault published their skating adventure from El Paso many years ago. A group of guys hit up Downtown and at first failed a couple times but eventually landed every move at the end. You don't see a lot of bladers around but you sure as hell will see a bunch of skateboarders. The time you will see roller skaters would be when you go out to watch the Sun City Roller Girls. As for ice skating, you will see those brave souls during this time of the month through next month at Holidays On Ice.
If you happen to skate for fun or for fitness, take the poll below on which skating you prefer!