UTEP Needs Singers!
If you can nail the National Anthem, which isn't easy, UTEP wants you!
The University Of Texas At El Paso is holding auditions for National Anthem singers this Saturday, July 22nd. According to the El Paso Herald Post online, auditions will be held at Memorial Gym, from 10 'til Noon, in room 120.
All vocalists and musicians are welcome to audition. Parking passes are available upon registration. Those interested need to register by Thursday, July 20, by contacting Andrea Urbina in the UTEP Marketing Department, (915) 747-6065 or via e-mail amurbina@miners.utep.edu. - El Paso Herald Post
Michael Dean, chair of the Department of Music and director of vocal studies at UCLA, explained the songs difficulty to ABC News:
The song is difficult, even for the most trained singer, because it calls for an enormous vocal range, including the ability to sing a vowel on the highest note of the piece -- on "free" -- which physically strains the throat.
Deans advice to singers is that they start low so that by the time they reach the high notes, they aren't too high.
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