Utep Miners Vs. Texas Longhorns: Who Remembers and Who Was There?
It has been 11 years since the Utep Miners first time playing against the Texas Longhorns. I remember the hype that everyone had about this particular game. Pretty sure you also remember all the people that crowded the stadium and tailgate areas. Although the score wasn't that great Utep Miners 13 to Texas Longhorns 42, it still was a good game to see that night. Mike Galvez caught the start of the game as the former head coach Mike Price walked down the stadium stairs on to the field. As I watched Mike Galvez's video above I couldn't help but miss that feeling of seeing a packed stadium. Walking to the Sun Bowl from our tailgate area was amazing because of the friends you bumped into and the cookouts you smelled. Some friends of mine didn't even make it inside to see the game because they were tipsy. My uncle and his old Utep fraternity brothers from years ago always tailgated which is who you would see me with instead of my friends.
I remember screaming at the top of my lungs at that particular game because I wanted Utep to win so bad. I also like Texas Longhorns but preferred my hometown team to win this one. Attending the game that day was crazy because trying to find parking was the toughest mission ever. It would have been nice if Uber existed in 2008 in order to avoid the time wasted trying to find a parking spot. Unfortunately, some of my friends that got tipsy don't recollect anything from that day. I remember that game fondly and I even still have my t-shirt from it. Do you remember attending the Utep Miners vs. Texas Longhorns game that night? Leave your vote in the poll below.