It's getting to be crunch time around here as far as Christmas shopping goes and traffic, stores, bars 'n restaurants are about to get crae.

Here are some tips to help you get by.

We'll start with the biggest headache of them all, traffic. Between the crowds all trying to get from store to store, jacked up roadways and the never-ending construction ... seriously, I'm trying to figure out who to call to have the definition of El Paso changed from "the pass" to "under construction" ... ; driving anytime in El Paso sucks.

The next week or so, it will REALLY suck.

Road Rage Leads To Shut Down Of California Highway
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My best advice for you as far as driving goes is, don't. Failing that, try and get your shopping done as early in the day as possible. The later it gets, the more insane it gets.

Also, stay away from the I-10/US-54 interchange ... aka the spaghetti bowl ... completely if it's after 3pm or so. That's grief you don't need. Exit early and find a way around that area.

THA: Business As Normal In Bangkok Center
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Back to shopping, avoid the malls from now 'til mid-January. Order online or, better yet, find local shops that are off the beaten track and support them. It'll make you a better person.

A saner one anyway.

After trying to knock out those last few gifts, you will probably need a drink. I suggest any of my 12 Bars Of Christmas.

They will be busier than usual so "shop early, drink early" is my motto. Same suggestion as my mall idea, get in and get out before everybody else shows up.

Freezing Temperature Hit Germany
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If you are heading to Juarez, good luck.

My only advice for those spending Christmas in Juarez is, leave right now. Otherwise, plan accordingly. The lines will be enormous so, load up your gifts, put some drinks in a cooler, make sandwiches, bring a car charger for your phone and ... very important ... don't forget a "pee can".

You're going to be sitting in your car for a looooong time.

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