The After Buzz with Brandon Coates — October 2, 2019
On this week's After Buzz, I'm covering the following:
- Trips to Austin. The wife and I make trips to Austin every couple of months because she's getting her fellowship in manual therapy, and the classes are in Round Rock.
- The Major League Baseball playoffs have started and my team is in! But I don't have high hopes for the Minnesota Twins.
- I'm still flip-flopping on my NHL pick. I can't decide if I want to pick a team to root for or not. On one side if I pick a team I have a vested interest. But if I do, that can cause stress while watching the games. I'm still not sure.
- I'm going to stick with reading The Gunslinger. It's boring as Hell in the beginning, but enough people have convinced me to finish it.
- And I give some thoughts on the California Fair Pay to Play law.