My intention was to talk mostly about fan theories of The Office, but I ended up talking about other shows more. Here's a breakdown of what was discussed:

  • I talk about different fan theories of The Office, which include Pam and Jim both being crappy people.Other random theories include Creed Bratton isn't actually Creed Bratton, and Toby was the Scranton Strangler.
  • I give a brief synopsis and endorsement for the Netflix docu-series The Confession Tapes, even though I get the name of the damn show wrong every time on this After Buzz. But it's really damn good, you should check it out.
  • I briefly mention that I'm two episodes into season 2 of 13 Reason Why, and I'm digging season 2.
  • And finally, during the MoSho, we briefly talked about what was considered cheating. Someone mentioned that kissing wasn't cheating. Yes, yes it is. So I get into what I consider cheating. Honestly, if you're straight it's pretty much anything that you wouldn't do with the same sex.

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