Summer isn't over yet Texas and those high temps, especially in El Paso and west Texas, aren't done with us. Be careful what you leave in your car ...

At the moment, rain has cooled off parts of Texas a little bit but we still have the rest of July and then August ... those 2 months being the hottest of the year ... to get through.

Enjoy whatever break(s) from the heat you may get but don't drop your guard and overexert or under hydrate yourself. Don't leave these 3 things in your car either ...

Number 1 is water bottles ... for 2 different reasons. First, they can actually start fires. Yep, the very thing that puts out fires can cause one if the conditions are right.

It takes a pretty crazy set of circumstances but, it can happen. Clear water bottles, with just the right amount of clear liquid, just the right chemical composition and just the right amount and angle of sunshine can spark a fire.

Just like using a magnifying glass and the sun to burn through a piece of paper or wood.

The 2nd reason is, plastic that has been super heated can leach toxins and chemicals into the water which pose a health hazard when consumed. Watch carbonated beverages and aerosol cans, they can also get hot and explode.

Next, items containing lithium batteries. Phones, I-pads, some kids toys, vapes, and similar gadgets can actually explode if the battery gets too hot or becomes exposed due to melted battery casings.

Finally, the biggest and most obvious one .... humans and animals. Temps in a car can climb super fast. Not only could death result but it seems like it's also a slow, horrible way to die.

Don't leave anything living in a hot car.

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Gallery Credit: Stephanie Crist

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