
Texas Tiger Lady
Texas Tiger Lady
Texas Tiger Lady
Kids dream of being all sorts of impossible things when they're little. Well this girl never gave up on her dream of being a tiger, and now she's as close as she can get to being one.
Swinging by His Back Skin
Swinging by His Back Skin
Swinging by His Back Skin
Remember pink thong guy at the KLAQ Balloonfest? Well he is back, but this time he ditched his pink thong, for massive hooks in his back. Juan-Martin Valadez allowed me to capture his first human suspension performance and it's crazy!
WORst El Paso Tats
WORst El Paso Tats
WORst El Paso Tats
Buzz and the KLAQ Morning Show chose six finalists to come into the studio Friday morning, to be judge on their tough appearance and gayness of their tattoo. The celebrity judges, comedian, Steve Trevino, porn star, Teagan Presley and former ink master contestant, Clint Cummings had a tough choice to make.
Best Balloonfest Tats
Best Balloonfest Tats
Best Balloonfest Tats
El Paso and tattoos go together better than peanut butter and jelly, so it's no surprise that we found a lot of really great ink this weekend.
What the.. Korn?
What the.. Korn?
What the.. Korn?
Korn guitarist's Brian 'Head' Welch famously left the band to embrace his Christian beliefs, but now bassist Fieldy is showing his faith by apparently getting a tattoo of a crucifix the left side of his face.

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