Scott Stapp Sings ‘Baby Shark’
Scott Stapp, the former lead singer of Creed, is traveling around the country performing his new music along with some class Creed hits. During his exclusive acoustic performance at Star City Studios on April 9th, the audience and KLAQ brand manager Kevin Vargas had the opportunity to ask some hard-hitting questions to Mr. Stapp. Towards the end of the Q & A Kevin challenged Mr. Stapp to prove he has been consumed by the viral hit, 'Baby Shark.'
He only sings about six seconds of the song, so we had to replay the clip a couple of times so you can appreciate it. We added close ups of his fellow band to show you the shock on their faces as Stapp surprisingly begins his doo-doo-doo-doo flow. This unique cover all started thanks to a KLAQ listener asking Scott about how his life has changed, along with his family life. As you can see in the video below, there is another song he listens to with his son A LOT.
Yup, the 'Itsy Bitsy Spider' by Lisa Loeb which is my new favorite jam. Thanks Scott Stapp for stopping by and making some El Paso fans incredibly happy and for sharing our new favorite version of 'Baby Shark.'
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