20 of the Most Savage Items You’ll Find in an El Pasoans Christmas Stocking
The holidays are upon us, and El Paso is definitely getting into the spirit!

Winterfest has officially kicked off in Downtown at San Jacinto Plaza and if you're looking to also get ready for winter, check out this handy guide on all the items you'll need to be winterized in El Paso! Spoiler alert: get ready to wait for that coveted selfie at Winterfest!
While we all anxiously await the moment we can all tear into our gifts from friends and loved ones, I wanted to see what other fellow El Pasoans typically receive in their Christmas stockings.
We got lots of answers! And while I expected answers like an orange or peanuts (because those are great stocking stuffers in our house!) I didn't expect a majority of the answers that we got.
El Paso, you are savage! Here are 20 of the most savage responses we got to the question: What is something you'll find in an El Paso Christmas stocking?
20 Savage Items You'll Find in an El Pasoans Christmas Stocking
While the responses are kind of savage, I have to admit, these answers are pretty hilarious. Imagine waking up on Christmas morning and looking into your stocking only to find Plan B? Or maybe even weed from New Mexico? Some of these may be totally what you asked for, others, like the coal with the KLAQ logo may be something you'll want to re-gift.
Also, I think I'm in the age group now that if I were to recieve socks or underwear as a gift, I'd totally love it.
El Paso Winterfest 2022
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