There are some great rock renditions of classic Christmas songs and some really cool original ones too. Here are a few though that weren't meant to be.

I posted a list of some of my favorite, rockin' Christmas songs recently and it could have been WAY longer. In this list, I have a couple of songs for you that are not intentionally "Christmassy". Nor were they ever meant to be but, I must admit, they do have a certain degree of coolness. Bear in mind though, you may never hear the originals quite the same again.

Twisted Sister - We're Not Gonna Take It. The classic 80's, hair-metal anthem also works as Oh Come All Ye Faithful. (Sadly, they DID do this on purpose.)

Black Sabbath - War Pigs. The original song is NOT Christmas-ish. At all. If you change the lyrics up a little though ...

Hold on, it gets worse. Those are cool "re-makes" but there are also a few, equally annoying, Christmas "mashups" out there. Like this Metallica/Mariah Carey travesty.

Wait, wait, wait ... one more.

For what it's worth, I think that's the best Mariah Carey has ever sounded. For some of my other favorite rockin' Christmas songs, click here. Merry Christmas everyone. I wish nothing but the best for you and yours. I saved the best of the mashups for last ...

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