Remembering When The Beach Boys Played After a Diablos Game
Remembering the El Paso Diablos game days always leaves you feeling those good vibrations, but remember the time when The Beach Boys took over the field?
I certainly remember that day April 28, 1991, and I danced my tush off to a lot of their songs. I remember I was about 5 years old when my family and I attended a Diablos baseball game that had a lovely surprise at the end.
Little did I know I wasn't going to have a bedtime curfew that night. Before the baseball game came to an end, I remember my parents rushing to the food stands to get last-minute snacks and soft drinks. I remember pacing around where we sat because the benchmarks would leave the imprint of lines behind my legs. I kind of became impatient because I was used to having a particular bedtime and the cotton candy sugar rush hadn't kicked in yet.
That night was a lot of fun simply because of the excitement the crowd had whistling and waiting for The Beach Boys. Once they took the stage is when my sugar rush kicked in and got me jumping on the bench for a better view.
That was the best combo a young girl like me could experience, a baseball game followed by a concert from The Beach Boys. I am so glad I got to experience and be a part of something like that back then.
If you remember this old memory of The Beach Boys playing at Cohen Stadium take the poll below.