If You Can’t Bring Me A Regular Menu, I’m Not Eating At Your Restaurant
Have you been to a sit-down restaurant lately that DIDN’T have menus?
I’m talking about the ones where they have a QR code on the table that you have to scan (or take a picture?) with your phone.

I’m on the verge of making a new personal rule: if your restaurant cannot provide me with a regular, old-fashioned, NON-digital menu…I may not go back.
I went into a place this weekend that had this QR thing stuck to my table. Usually, if you ask, most places can accommodate you with an actual menu. Not this place. The server said they no longer had real menus.
Here are my main objections to QR code menus:
I don’t usually bring my phone into a dining establishment. Sorry, I’ve always thought it’s rude to be on your phone while you’re having dinner. I don’t like having even the DISTRACTION of having my phone on me. I usually just leave it in the car.
Also, once everybody gets their phone out to scan the menu, people are going to be tempted to leave the phone out. Maybe check some e-mails, answer some texts, Shazam the song playing over the speakers (it turned out to be “Up All Night” by Slaughter).
I’m all thumbs when it comes to technology. Nobody ever gave ME a lesson on how to use these things. What does “scan” even mean? Do you take a picture of it? Is there a special app for it? No one has ever given me the directions.
They straight up lie to you. In this most recent case, the server told me they didn’t have menus, “because of Covid”. Wait…so people in the back made my food. The server brings it out to me. And, the place is full.
No customers, servers, bartenders, or managers are wearing masks. But getting Covid from THE MENU is supposed to be a major concern?? Sorry. Not buying it. Surely, what’s going on is that restaurants have found out it’s cheaper not to have menus. I get that. You can make menu changes without having to print up a whole new batch.
It’s probably a great (minor) cost-cutting measure for businesses. But, please, please…don’t tell me it’s to keep me safe from getting Covid.
Yes, I feel like the “Old man yells at cloud” meme.
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