Priest Bites Off Fellow Priest’s Ear in Fight Over Parking Space
The last time we heard about somebody having his ear bitten off during a fight, the unfortunate victim was boxer Evander Holyfield. This time both the suddenly ear-less man and the flesh-chomping perpetrator are holy men.
Father Thomas Joseph Cameron Smith of Perth, Australia, wouldn't give up his parking space to fellow priest Henry Byrne. A scuffled ensued, and the 80-year-old Byrne ended up going Mike Tyson on the 81-year-old Smith's right ear.
Byrne then spit the flesh on the ground and, when they were done brawling, demanded Smith pick it up. Smith did, and put it in his pocket. He must have had his bell rung during the altercation because Smith didn't even realize what he had picked up until he got home and took the ear out of his pocket.
At that point Smith went to hospital for surgery and police arrested Byrne on one count of grievous bodily harm. Smith must have gotten some hits in too because when Byrne showed up at his arraignment on Friday he was sporting a black eye.
Byrne has a court date set for December. He's out on bail now, but can't get with in 30 feet of Smith. This restriction may prove difficult, as Smith and Byrne live in the same apartment complex, which apparently has a limited number of parking spaces.
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