No What The Buzz Podcast This Week Due to Spring Break
I know we keep doing this! Emily and I have been lacking on keeping up with our podcast. When we started we thought it would be real simple, it's not! It takes work on top of work we already do. But this time we have a good reason.
Emily and I are going on spring break! Okay, we're not doing the whole "MTV Spring Break" deal. Emily will be out of office on vacation (the girl really needs it!) and I too will be on vacation. I'll be in sunny California!
We will be back though. When we return you can expect the usual office chisme, and behind the scene exclusives that we like to give. We'll also give you some updates on how our spring break went.
Emily and I fully intent to keep up with our podcast regularly after this, we promise! We really just need a break to refocus and get a fresher point of view! We hope you can join us on our next episode of "What the Buzz"!
For now, you can hear episode 1, episode 2 and episode 3 all available on Soundcloud! Have yourself a little binge session and we'll see you next week!