Classic rock fans, join me for 2 new features available at

There are 2 classic rock bands that it seems no one can ever get enough of, Led Zeppelin and The Beatles. For fans of both, KLAQ presents 2 new programs on our high definition channel, Q2. To entertain hardcore fans and to expose "part-time" fans to songs and info they may be unaware of, we present "Brunch With The Beatles" on Sundays and the "Leaded Lunch" on Mondays.

  • Brunch With The Beatles runs Sunday from 10am - 12 Noon and features nothing but The Beatles and Beatles related stories and trivia as well as rare & live songs.
  • The Leaded Lunch airs on Mondays from 12 Noon - 1pm and consists of nothing but Led Zeppelin music, trivia, related news along with rare and live songs.

I host both shows and pack 'em with what are known as "deep cuts" ... songs that weren't necessarily big hits in their day but are, of course, still pretty damn good. I don't think it would be possible for either of those bands to write songs that weren't good but, some songs outshine others and become the staples we all know and love. I'll play you those, but, I'll also toss in more obscure songs too. Imagine hits like Yesterday and Sgt. Peppers along with off the wall songs like Hey Bulldog and Piggies. In Led Zeppelin's case, monster hits like Stairway To Heaven and Whole 'Lotta Love right alongside songs like Bron-Y-Aur StompBoogie With Stu and more.

Check 'em out yourself Sunday and Monday on our high def channel, Q2. If you don't have a high def radio no worries, you can also stream the shows at

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