Marvel March Madness- Joanna and Lisa’s Picks For Hot Superheroes
Everyone at the station can't stop talking about their brackets, the sweet sixteen and the number 32 for some strange reason. So we talk superheroes instead. March Madness is happening now and while most people have brackets that are utterly and completely blown up at this point, Lisa and Joanna still really don't care about any of it. At the end of the day, the way those gentlemen play, what school they go to and whoever wins this tournament (is it a tournament?) doesn't affect us personally so I'm not invested in it. Our lack of knowledge of college basketball, seeds, sweet sixteen (other than the MTV show of course) and other March Madness related items seems to not only irritate Buzz and Brandon but also confuse them. So, what better way to try and make the rest of the time March Madness is going on livable then to make up our own silly brackets and have our own "games" for the heck of it!
Please enter: our Marvel March Madness Bracket. The rules are simple. We have two Marvel superhero movie or tv hunks battle it out in a "game" against each other and score them on four things: hotness, funny, physical fitness and star power. This is all based solely on our opinion and nothing else. Which is a great way to confuse and irritate Buzz even more, so we're just rolling with it at this point. Check out our the first round of games above and see if you agree or disagree with our choices. You most likely will disagree but that's the fun of the game! Disagreeing and getting to argue with each other! Have fun.