Man in Motorized Wheelchair Charged with 3rd DUI
Driving under the influence is dangerous and illegal. Heck, walking under the influence can get you in trouble and, so can operating a mechanical wheelchair.
Aaaaand, we're back in Florida for this one. 54 year old Palm Bay Florida resident Ronny Scott Hicks was stopped by police for, allegedly, blocking traffic in his motorized wheelchair. When the po-po approached Hicks, they noticed a strong smell of alcohol and saw that he was pretty messed up so they popped him for his third DUI. No word on what he was driving/riding the other two times.
Another genius in Florida streamed her drunk driving escapades via periscope. Cops followed her stream and had no trouble at all finding her, especially since she was driving around on a flat tire.
That's two stories in two days for Florida. Come on New Mexico, where 'ya at?