Woman Periscopes While Drunk Driving, Viewers Call 911 [VIDEO]
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A woman has been arrested after she stupidly not only drove drunk, but live-streamed it onto the app Periscope for the public to see. According to WTSP, police in Lakeland, Florida arrested 23 year-old Whitney Beall Friday night after receiving several 911 calls of a woman driving intoxicated and broadcasting it on Periscope.Lakeland Police spokesman Sgt. Gary Gross said the dispatcher and officers responded with, "What's Periscope? Luckily, one of our younger officers was able to figure it out."
Social Media app Periscope is owned by Twitter and allows users to live-stream themselves and broadcast it around the world. Because the video was being streamed and people were watching the feed, Beall was sent numerous messages from viewers asking her to please stop driving before she hurt herself or others.
In the video, you can hear Beall saying she's "drunk," "f---ing drunk," and that her vehicle had a flat tire but he was still driving. Sgt. Gross said, "I got to tell you I was a little shocked. After 30 years of law enforcement, I hadn’t seen anything like this before."
911 callers attempted to give her location to police but it was difficult due to the angle of the video and Beall herself said she didn't know where she was. All the police knew was she was driving a Toyota.
A Lakeland police officer took the initiative to download the app on his phone and opened a personal account so he could find the drunk driver. From there, the police watched the video until they saw local landmarks that allowed them to identify Beall's location. Her front left tire was flat and she hit the curb with her right from tire right when officers initiated the traffic stop.
Officers said that Whitney Beall seemed disoriented, speech was slow, smelled of alcohol and her eyes were bloodshot and glossy. Beall failed the Field Sobriety Tests and refused the breathalyzer test. She was arrested and charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI).
After the arrest of Whitney Beall, the Lakeland Police Department is now training their officers on how to use Periscope and other new social media technologies so they will be more prepared for offenders that use various social media outlets for their crimes.
You can check out a longer version of Whitney Beall's drunk Pericope below.