Local Band 101 – Vol 27: Cacas de Oso
Ok, that's not EXACTLY right but, well, keep reading.......
Folks, meet Shitbear. I'll, (as always), let the band explain .....
SHITBEAR started in 2011 in El Paso, Texas. The band was started by guitarist/vocalist Eric Acosta and drummer Jesse Solano. SHITBEAR was originally a three piece, featuring current Leptictidium guitarist Zakk Holguin. As a three-piece, they recorded two untitled demos before splitting up in 2012. Jesse and Eric reformed the band in 2016. They began writing and recording their new concept album "What Causes Effect" with local producer and podcaster Miguel De Santiago.
Ok, that didn't really explain the name, did it? According to the band, here's the deal on that:
"We're finishing up our newest album "What Causes Effect" which tells the story about the end of planet Xyria's million year war with the multidimensional monster SHITBEAR.
Got it? Listen to them here and, if you want more, click here.
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