Listeners Tell Us the Movie Quote They Randomly Shout Out
If you listen in to the show, then you know that we all tend to speak in movie quotes. Sometimes it's TV show quotes, but almost every day, there's at least one movie quote spoken on the show. This even includes Lisa who, for the most part, doesn't really watch movies. As a movie lover, it's a great perk of my job. For the listeners who are also movie lovers, it must sound hilarious when we drop in a movie quote as a response; but I'm sure to those who aren't always quoting movies like us, it must be a hassle trying to listen to the show.
I know out there, lots of listeners also tend to speak in movie quotes, which is why I took to our Facebook page to ask: "What Movie Quote Do You Catch Yourself Randomly Shouting?" Our listeners did not disappoint.
Some of my favorite responses that I also like randomly shout out include:
A classic "Anchorman" quote.
A great "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" quote to use when someone says you're wasting their time:
One response includes a quote from my favorite Quentin Tarantino movie where Kurt Russell says the name of the movie:
A great quote to use to sum up 2020:
A movie that is highly quotable and constantly used on the show:
An iconic line spoken by Texas treasure Matthew McConaughey:
A quote to use when it's meatloaf night:
A "Nacho Libre" quote that I would probably never say in real life because I love corn:
A quote from Buzz's favorite movie "Idiocracy"
And probably one of my favorite quotes to say when eating ice cream:
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