Kids Today Want to Grow up to Be… YouTube Stars
What did you want to be when you were a kid? Me, I had no clue. I didn't know what I wanted to do until I was in my 20s. So whenever I was asked as a kid what I wanted to do when I grew up, I had no clue what to say.
Well, they're still asking kids that question and the answers to the questions have changed drastically over the last 30, 20, even 10 years. Here are the top answers given by kids when asked what they want to be when they grow up.
- YouTube star - 34%.
- Blogger or vlogger - 18%.
- Musician or singer - 16%.
- Actor - 16%.
- Filmmaker - 14%.
- Doctor or nurse - 13%.
- TV host - 12%.
- Athlete - 12%.
- Teacher - 12%.
- Writer - 8%.
- Lawyer - 6%.
- Model - 4%.
The big answers when I was a kid were actor or athlete. The more realistic, smart kids would say doctor or lawyer. And I think some of those kids actually are doctors or lawyers.