High Winds Were The Cause Of These Unbelievable Moments NSFW
The crazy thing about wind, is it can really do some damage to your roof and even yourself! These folks and material items were definitely affected by the crazy wind they were having.
Fail Tube gathered a bunch of wind fails that occurred with people, animals and nature. It is unbelievable how wind can be so strong to roll a vehicle over, knock down tall trees and a large bus. Some of these unbelievable moments would definitely be considered close calls if you ask me. Most people consider wind less dangerous compared to snow and rain but it's just as dangerous after watching this. So when you receive a EAS alert on your phone about high winds, this could probably happen to you.
El Paso has been known for it's bi-polar weather for many years now, and hopefully the next high winds we have you will decide to stay in to keep safe!