A Chocolate Affair is Thursday and tickets are still available. Including FREE ones!

A Chocolate Affair takes place Thursday at the EPIC Railyard Event Center, 2201 E. Mills. Tickets are available at the door and, in advance, at holdmyticket.com. (Advance tickets are cheaper!!)

Tours start every 20 minutes or so, during two different sessions. One from 5pm - 7pm and the second from 8pm - 10pm. General Admission tour times will be designated as each attendee arrives at the event but, you can reserve your arrival time by buying tickets in advance. This event sells out every year so, get your tickets while you still can. For more info, click here.

If you would like to attend the event for free, United Blood Services can help. They are always in need of donors but, right now, they especially need platelets. Donate some of yours and, they will give you a free ticket to A Chocolate Affair.

For more info, call them at (915) 544-5422 or, visit their website.


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