Five Signs Your Job is Making You Miserable
A lot of people don't like their jobs. Even if you like your job, chances are their are parts of it you don't enjoy. That's true for me. I love my job, but there are certain parts I don't enjoy. It's the nature of any job. But, if you find yourself agreeing with these 5 things, you really, really hate your job.
- You hate your coworkers, and not just that one guy nobody likes. You really hate all of your coworkers and don't like being around them.
- You hate Sundays. You can't relax on Sundays because you know work is right around the corner, and no amount of NFL can get you over that hump.
- You feel underpaid. Maybe you're living paycheck to paycheck, and find yourself busting your butt at work. Well, nothing will cause you to hate your job more than feeling underpaid.
- You never see your friends or family. Well, this one can actually mean a few different things. Maybe you love your job, or hate your friends and family. Either way, it's good to have a balance between your personal and professional life.
- You go on and on about how bad your job is. The more you complain, the more it reaffirms how much you hate your job. It's a vicious cycle.