Face Masks Are Once Again Required In El Paso County
On April 23rd, the City of El Paso required the use of face masks in public under the amendments to the emergency order in effect in the county. Then, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order stating that face masks would not be required in Texas. Now, the City of El Paso says they have altered the Local Emergency Directive and are making face coverings mandatory, according to their Twitter:
People can use cloth masks, handkerchiefs, bandannas, t-shirts, or other protective shields to cover the mouth and nose. The City of El Paso's Twitter page stated children under the age of 2 years old, and anyone who has "trouble breathing, is unconscious, incapacitated, or exercising outdoors and not within 6 feet of any other individual not from the same household" do not need to wear face coverings.
While the city says face masks are mandated, according to the Texas Tribune local authorities cannot force penalties or fines on those who choose to not wear face masks. Governor Abbott said he strongly recommends wearing masks but it's not a mandate. The Governor also stated that his executive order supersedes any local government orders.