Observant 5th graders in Texas caught 2 F-Bombs in their exams!

The STAAR test was recently taken by 5th graders all over Texas and many students in the Lumberton Independent School District found an obscenity in their test.

One question included a picture of a graffiti park and the F - Bomb appeared in 2 places among the graffiti. Texas Education Agency officials, according to patch.com ... and several other news agencies ... released this statement:

"A passage with embedded images of a graffiti park appeared as part of field testing for some fifth-grade Texas students. After the test was administered, TEA discovered that two of the included images contained vulgar words in very small lettering. This is in no way acceptable or appropriate, and we deeply regret that these images appeared on the test. We apologize to all our parents and students, and in the spirit of continuous improvement, we pledge to ensure this issue never occurs again."

I guess school officials these days do give a "F"...

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