Every Story Matters: El Pasoans Invited To Unveiling of City’s First Banned Book Section
Every story matters. That is the message that El Paso public libraries are trying to spread across the city. This Saturday an unveiling of a banned book section will help make that message clear, and the community is invited to join the unveiling!
The City of El Paso will be unveiling a banned book section Saturday, May 14th at the Chamizal Community Center and Library which is located on 2119 Cypress Ave.
Families are encouraged to attend this unveiling to support the city and the YWCA’s efforts at putting a stop to book banning.
“Every person deserves to read stories where they are represented and every person needs to read stories that depict diverse communities,” read the YWCA official donation page. “You are making that possible. “
The YWCA of El Paso began an initiative in which they asked the community to donate banned books by purchasing them from a list on their Amazon Wish List page.
This initiative is a part of a partnership with the City of El Paso to create banned book sections in every El Paso public library. The YWCA has donated over 100 books to El Paso public libraries so far and they hope to contribute more books as more banned book sections are created across the city.
“Banned and challenged books are usually ones that tell stories by and about historically marginalized people and communities,”said YWCA of El Paso officials.
The banned book section unveiling will happen from 10 a.m. to noon and will include a book reading, activities for children and refreshments.
Every Story Matters: Banned Books Section Unveiling:
- Saturday, May 14, 2022
- Chamizal Community Center and Library: 2119 Cypress Ave
- 10 a.m. - Noon