El Paso’s Star on the Mountain Wasn’t the Only Symbol Being Lit
Once upon a time, the star wasn't the only symbol being lit on the mountain in El Paso. The other symbol will show a local's true age if they remember a cross also being lit on the mountain. Well, cheers to learning something new about our city if you had no clue about the cross like me. It sure does pay off to be a part of a local group on Facebook that teaches you a thing or two. One particular group I love and so glad I joined is called Remember In El Paso When... on Facebook. This group has taught me a thing or two and more about my hometown. One memory I would like to share on that page but don't have a picture of is Furr's the retro grocery store.
But there are other locals who share their past favorites on that page quite often too. A huge thank you to Gloria, the woman responsible for teaching me a fact about El Paso. I had no clue that on Easter only, a symbol of the cross would be lit on the mountain. It was a religious tradition that took place every Easter Sunday. Just once the cross would replace the star on the mountain for one day. Eventually lighting up the cross came to a stop many years ago. If you were at a fairly older age then you know the time frame of when this tradition started and finished. The thread about the cross on that Facebook group had so many experiencing a blast from the past and shocking moment.