El Pasoan Tom Moore, Archie Comic Strip Artist, Has Died
I did a blog last week about an upcoming Archie comic book but, I had no idea an El Paso artist once drew for the series. Sadly, he passed away yesterday.
Archie comic books have been around since 1941 and El Pasoan Tom Moore drew a ton of them. He died yesterday.
From 1953 to 1989 Moore not only drew Archie, but also Snuffy Smith, Underdog and Mighty Mouse. While attending UTEP he drew for The Prospector and, while in the Navy, his comic strip "Chick Call" ran in military publications. He took a 10 year break from Archie at one point but returned to create a girlfriend for the Jughead character. The new character didn't pan out but Tom Moore stayed on until 1989. After that, he taught part time at EPCC for a while.
The Archie series has had several spin-offs including an Archie Horror series. An upcoming special edition will feature The Ramones.