The utility company is seeking permission to give customers and businesses a small refund during the peak summer usage months.

The El Paso Electric Company is hoping to give its Texas and Southern New Mexico customers back a few bucks this summer during the months when people tend to use the most electricity. If approved by the  Public Utility Commission of Texas, customers would see small refunds over a 2 month period. According to the El Paso Herald-Post:

“If both the refund and refund period are approved, the average residential customer may see a monthly savings of about $5.94 in July and about $6.58 in August for a total savings of $12.52 over the two-month period. Large commercial customers will receive a one-time credit in July 2020.” - El Paso Herald Post

That may not seem like a lot but, hey, it's something. With so many facing financial hardships due to the COVID - 19 pandemic, every cent counts. There are many businesses and institutions offering discounts, price breaks and other money savers throughout the pandemic. To see a few more, click here. I myself have benefitted from a few of them ... see what I found here ... so, by all means, check with all your creditors, utilities, credit card companies, etc; to see what offers may be out there for you to take advantage of.

There is a slight chance there may be some more government money coming our way. In the meantime, check with everyone you conduct business with and see what is out there for you!


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