Watch As El Paso Chihuahuas Stadium Is Built In Under 2 Minutes
It seemed like Southwest University Park took forever to build but you can watch it all happen in about a minute and a half.
Relatively speaking, the El Paso Chihuahuas stadium, aka Southwest University Park, was built fairly quickly. Construction spanned from late 2013 to early 2014 and was barely completed on time.
Technically, I think the opening game was played a couple of weeks later than originally scheduled. Here you can watch it go up in 1:38.
That was fun, let's do some more. Why not? You are probably just goofing off at work anyway, right? Or, looking for something to do OTHER than work.
In this video, you will see several sections of the border wall go up in only :30.
Schools go up pretty quick in videos too. Thanks to time lapse, El Paso's Harmony School of Science is (mostly) completed in 1:03.
A big chunk of the Irvin High School remodeling project in Northeast El Paso goes up in under :60.
The entire city of El Paso grew exponentially over a 32 year period and this last video shows that extreme growth happen in just about :32 seconds. The official time span in the video is from 1984 - 2016.
Pretty crazy, huh? El Paso has certainly seen a lot happen since the 80's and prior to that, a lot had already changed. El Paso's population grew from 77,560 in 1920 to 425,259 in 1980. In 2022, we're crowding 700K.
We're still growing like a weed. If you don't believe me, take a drive east of Joe Battle.