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It's official- it's cold outside in the Borderland. The City of El Paso Animal Services wants to keep their shelter cats and dogs warm this winter and is asking for the public to help. The shelter is asking for donations of essential items they need to keep the animals warm and comfy over the holidays. One of their main needs is new or used blankets, towels, and sheets. Just no comforters, since the dogs tend to rip them up into a fluffy mess. This gives the animals something to cuddle with at night and helps make their stay a little more comfortable.

Animal Services also has a Cat/Kitten Wish List as well as a Dog/Puppy Wish List of items they need to keep the shelter supplied for the demands of the animals. Here are some of the items you can purchase and have shipped directly to the shelter.


Being surrendered, abandoned or born on the streets can be hard for any animals. Life in the shelter can be scary for them and the little things can go a long way for an animal in need. The City of El Paso Animals Services works hard to try to place the animals in the shelter in a home and give them a better chance at life.

To donate to the Animal Service’s shelter, please visit them at 5001 Fred Wilson Avenue, right across from the Fort Bliss Cemetery. The City of El Paso Animal Services Shelter is open 7 days a week from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. You can also call them at (915) 212-PAWS.

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