Crazy City Hall Update: The King of Las Cruces
Earlier this week, I went down a Youtube rabbit hole of crazy town hall and city council meetings. You can revisit that here.
Lisa Sanchez brought to my attention a video of a public forum in Las Cruces, New Mexico that From what we can make out, a gentleman is trying to convince the town council that New Mexico should shift to producing cocoa plants. He sites the multiple trillions of dollars that the Ivory Coast makes thank to their farming of cocoa plants. It is true that one of Ivory Coast's main exports is cocoa, but they're able to keep their prices down because of the rampant child slavery, an economic hurdle that New Mexico might have to find a work-around for.
But the true magic of this video is when the citizen speaker seems to be trying hypnosis on the Las Cruces council. He goes into a series of what appear to be "jedi mind tricks". Unfortunately for him (and all the would-be cocoa trillionaires) the Cruces council is made up of Toydarians.