Congress Set to Vote on Marijuana Bill for First Time
Legalizing marijuana seems to have a new story almost every day. Whether it's here in the state of Texas, or nationally things seem to be moving toward the legalization of weed. You can CLICK HERE to see what's going on here in the state of Texas.
Nationally, there's a big vote coming up in Congress. It's called 'The MORE Act'. MORE stands for Marijuana, Opportunity, Reinvestment and Expungement. The bill, which is sponsored by Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, would decriminalize marijuana on a federal level, allowing states to set their own laws in regards to marijuana. Now, you'd think that pro-legalization advocates would be all about this bill passing. You'd be wrong.
The CEO of Weed for Warriors, Sean Kiernan says that this bill could have negative, unforeseen affects on the potential marijuana industry.
We have legalized cannabis for the privileged and we have kept illicit cannabis as the only option for too many, especially disabled veterans seeking an alternative to deadly pharmaceuticals like opioids.
Kiernan claims that a veteran who might look to marijuana to replace highly addictive pills might need up to an eighth of marijuana a day. That much weed can run about $40 once taxes have added in. Kiernan added:
As you can easily see, a 100% disabled veteran would have to spend approximately 40% of his entire $3,000 per month disability check to leave the horrors of Big Pharma’s addiction, overdose, and suicidal thoughts behind.
This is definitely something that should accounted for. But if you'd like voice your opinion to your representative, you can CLICK HERE.
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