Buzz Vs. Joanna: Who Can Name The Most Brad Pitt Movies?
It's no secret that Buzz and I LOVE movies! Well, so does Brandon, so, a majority of us on the show do, except Lisa. She likes movies, she just doesn't necessarily watch them. But make no mistake, Lisa will still know the famous references and quotes from movies, which irks Buzz.
When Buzz came to me with this challenge I immediately accepted. The challenge? Name as many movies from an actor as you can in 90 seconds. At first, Buzz said Leonardo DiCaprio and I thought that's what we were going to go with, but at the last minute, Buzz decided that because we had spent about 10 minutes thinking about Leonardo DiCaprio films, it would be better to enter with a clean slate and just let Emily choose the actor. Emily came up with: Brad Pitt.
Okay, so Buzz can name more. I'll take my loss gracefully. You really freeze up when the clock starts running! We hope to make this a weekly video whether it be Buzz versus me, or Brandon versus Buzz, etc.
Tune in next week to check out what actor Emily chooses and which members of the MoSho will battle it out!
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