We don't know what this burglar is going to use his stolen goods for, but we'd like to think he's just grabbing supplies for his first music video. Police in Big Spring, Texas are on the hunt for a home burglar who broke into a home and two some interesting items from the household. Police are asking for the public's help to find the thieves who walked out of a home with a machine gun and two bottles of Cristal, the expensive champagne scene frequently in many music videos. The thieves also walked away with a Defender camera system that was inside the home. I feel like the story on the KWES website should have gone deeper into this burglary and given more details. For instance, was this a rappers home that was burglarized? An uber rich Texan with oil money? Maybe even just an average Joe with a hobby of hand guns and a decent taste in champagne. The police haven't released the overall value for the stolen items but there is a $1,000 rewards for their return. Safe to say then that all the items together cost a pretty penny. I guess keep your eyes out to see if any new music videos from the Big Spring area come out soon. That machine gu at least would make an appearance in the video.


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