Brian 'Kill Me' Kilmeade, the "esteemed" co-host of "Fox & Friends," the man who knows more about everything than ANYONE else on the planet, apparently also knows more about the U.S.-Mexican border crisis than, well, anyone else on the planet.

Sandra Lee Visits "FOX & Friends"
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Who knew? Probably, him.

Kilmeade's Controversial History

Beth Stern Visits FOX & Friends
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Yes, according to Kilmeade and his credible colleagues at Fox News, the man who once declared that,

...not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims...

is ALSO an expert on one of the most complex and contentious issues facing the United States today.

Miranda Kerr Visits "Fox & Friends"
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Impact of Kilmeade's Commentary

In a recent interview with El Paso mayor Oscar Leeser, Kilmeade got into a brawl over the recent border crisis in El Paso and the city's preparations before the end of Title 42.

Beth Stern, Eli Wiesel And Molly Shannon Visit "FOX & Friends"
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Move over, immigration lawyers, border patrol agents, and policy experts, because Brian Kilmeade is here to solve the crisis with his 'infinite wisdom.'

He proved, in his interview with El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser, that he knows nothing about border problems, so based on his experience, here are seven things that Brian Kilmeade apparently knows more about than El Paso, Texas. 

Adriana Lima, Candice Swanepoel And Erin Heatherton On "FOX & Friends"
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Hold onto your hats, friends, because this is going to be a moronic ride.

Expert Opinions on the Border Crisis

Elisabeth Hasselbeck Joins "FOX & Friends"
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1. Brian Kilmeade Knows More About the Root Causes of Migration than Anyone Else:

New Biden Administration Immigration Rules Decrease Asylum Option
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According to Kilmeade, the real cause of the border crisis is NOT poverty, violence, or political instability in Central America, but rather the policies of the Biden administration. 

That's right, people, it's all Joe Biden's fault. Who knew that decades of U.S. foreign policy and economic exploitation had nothing to do with the current state of affairs?

2. Brian Kilmeade Knows More About the Border Than the People Who Actually Live There:

New Biden Administration Immigration Rules Decrease Asylum Option
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Never mind the fact that the people who actually live on the border have a far more nuanced and complex understanding of the issues at play than a talking head on cable news.

Kilmeade knows better than anyone what it's like to live in a border town, with its unique challenges and complexities.

3. Brian Kilmeade Knows More About Immigration Law Than Actual Immigration Lawyers:

New Biden Administration Immigration Rules Decrease Asylum Option
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Why bother consulting with actual experts in the field when you can just listen to Kilmeade spout off his uninformed opinions?

Sure, he may not have a law degree or any actual legal expertise, but he's got Fox News on his side, and that's all that matters.

4. Brian Kilmeade Knows More About the Needs of Asylum-Seekers Than Actual Asylum-Seekers:

New Biden Administration Immigration Rules Decrease Asylum Option
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Forget about the fact that asylum-seekers are fleeing violence and persecution in their home countries, and are in desperate need of help and support.

According to Kilmeade, these people are just looking for a handout from the generous American taxpayer.

5. Brian Kilmeade Knows More About the Causes of Crime Than Actual Criminologists:

New Biden Administration Immigration Rules Decrease Asylum Option
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Crime rates have been on the decline for decades, but according to Kilmeade, the real problem is undocumented immigrants flooding across the border.

Never mind the fact that the vast majority of undocumented immigrants are law-abiding citizens who contribute to society in countless ways.

6. Brian Kilmeade Knows More About Diplomacy Than Actual Diplomats:

New Biden Administration Immigration Rules Decrease Asylum Option
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Why bother with diplomacy and international relations when you can just insult our neighbors to the south and call them rapists and drug dealers?

Who needs relationships with our allies when we have Brian Kilmeade to lead the way?

7. Brian Kilmeade Knows More About Human Rights Than Actual Human Rights Experts:

New Biden Administration Immigration Rules Decrease Asylum Option
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Kilmeade and his ilk love to talk about American exceptionalism and our commitment to democracy and human rights, but apparently, those principles don't apply to anyone who doesn't look and think like them.

Because according to Kilmeade, immigrants and refugees are a threat to our way of life, and we need to shut them out at all costs.

Political Polarization and the U.S.-Mexican Border Crisis

2014 U.S. Women's Open Golf Champion Michelle Wie Visits "FOX And Friends"
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So, there you have it, people.

Those are the seven things that Brian Kilmeade apparently knows more about than El Paso, Texas.

Notice how his wife's needs aren't on the list.

Duane Chapman aka Dog the Bounty Hunter Visits "FOX & Friends"
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Emily Slape
Emily Slape

The thing is, we really DO have an immigration crisis on our southern border, but El Paso has NOT been destroyed, and this kind of talk only dilutes any further discussion that might actually lead to a solution.

Customs And Border Protection Patrols U.S. Border As Illegal Crossings Plummet
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Fox & Friends Christmas Special
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So, shut the f*** up Brian Kilmeade, and come visit El Paso for yourself.

I'll even pay (or someone from the station will) for your flight, hotel, food & drink, and personal chauffeur service so we can show you that in 2023, El Paso, Tx, is FAR from destroyed or demolished because of immigration,  but THRIVING.

New Biden Administration Immigration Rules Decrease Asylum Option
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Who needs actual expertise and informed opinions when you can tune into Fox News (or KLAQ) and let the talking heads do the thinking for you?

But... remember, this doesn't apply to FM radio 'Talking Heads.'

Let me know what you think at

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