Boob Size By Country? There’s A Map For That
We sure don't know what's wrong with the rest of the Country but Scott's Boobs of the Day represent the U.S.A. better than the Country as a whole. This color-coded map that displays average breast size by country, produced by
America’s coming in strong with a D-Cup status but Russia, Norway, Sweden, and Finland are clocking in ABOVE D-cup. Have you seen D-cups lately? They’re more than a handful, pun intended. Is it something in the water? The weather? Granted, it must suck to bundle up and brave the elements to get milk so maybe it’s possible they evolved to store more milk in their jugs? But then how come Greenland’s got Bs?
Would be interesting to see how El Paso would rank if we were a listed as a Country itself. We asked Ronson to comment and all he could do was smile. Maybe the CVB should use this map and the Q's Boobs of the Day post to inspire people to come see our city's magnificent sights.
[Via HuffPo]