Beto Trolled by Trumpers at Denton Rally
Former El Paso congressman and presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke is on his For the People tour, talking to Texans about the danger of voter suppression. Last week he was in Denton, talking to a crowd of about 800 supporters when some B.H.T.’s (Butt-Hurt Trumpers) attempted to drown him out with car horns, sirens and, in one case, a man hurling expletives at O’Rourke. One parent said that they had to have a discussion with their seven-year-old about what a “f---ing traitor” is.
What was Beto’s message that caused the BHTs to come out in such of show of impotent rage? Was he advocating to “defund the police”? Was he calling for his supporters to storm the capitol building in Austin? No and no. He was trying to call attention to voter suppression efforts that have gone on, first in Georgia now in Texas, in the wake of Trump’s humiliating (by his own admission) loss to Joe Biden in 2020.
Can you imagine a more telling commentary than supporters of the former president want to “cancel” or “drown out” someone who might disagree with them? This is the “cancel culture” we all SHOULD be worried about. The idea that, if you lose an election, you try to disenfranchise people that didn’t vote the way you wanted.
There’s one more detail in this video that tells a story. When the Trumpers began with their honking and siren-blaring, Beto was, at that moment, commemorating the anniversary of D-Day and paying tribute to people from Cook County who had served in the military. It just goes to show you: no matter how MANY flags you have, it doesn’t automatically make you a patriot.
PHOTOS: Scene at U.S. Capitol shows chaos and violence