If you are any kind of a self-respecting Rush fan, drummer, or drum aficionado, you should already be cracking your piggy bank.

I really don't think this drum kit is going to go cheap so, you will most likely need to take out a loan, find some investors, win the lottery, or something. A loan seems to be the surest route to instant money so call those collection agencies and straighten out your shizzle. The drum kit used by Neil Peart, on the road and in the studio from 1974 - 1977 is going on the auction block.

The Slingerland kit ... see it here ... was purchased by Peart two weeks before Rush embarked on their first U. S. tour. He played it during his very first show with Rush in August of 1974 and the rest was prog-rock history. According to Blabbermouth, these were the drums used on "Fly By Night", "Caress Of Steel" and "2112". 2112 is still, to me, the best Rush album ever and one of the greatest rock albums period. As for the kit itself:

Probably the highest-profile live appearance of the kit was the three-night performance at Toronto's Massey Hall when the band's first live album "All The World's A Stage" was recorded. Peart was introduced at those shows as "the Professor on the drum kit" and his extended drum solo on "Working Man", played on the Slingerland kit, is legendary among fans. - Blabbermouth

When it came to drumming, Neil was definitely no slouch. (Watch the video above ... which is just a smidgen of what he was capable of.) An inspiration and role model to drummers of all genres ... rock, metal, jazz, you name it ... we lost him in January to brain cancer. Now, you can own a significant piece of his life; not to mention Rush, rock, and drumming history.

If you've got some "Big Money"...

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