
Terry Bozzio Coming to El Paso [VIDEO]
Terry Bozzio Coming to El Paso [VIDEO]
Terry Bozzio Coming to El Paso [VIDEO]
Hero Music presents an evening with master drummer Terry Bozzio tomorrow night at the Mesa Music Hall, formerly the Electric Banana, 4151 N. Mesa. Tickets are $15 and $35, the show starts at 7pm.
Drummer Rock Without Forearms
Drummer Rock Without Forearms
Drummer Rock Without Forearms
In a spectacular demonstration of human will and determination, Cornel Hrisca-Munn has not allowed his physical challenges to prevent him from pursuing his ambitions. Born without forearms and only one functioning leg, Hrisca-Munn, who labels himself as a 'disabled drummer,' mans the sticks in an incredible performance of the Foo Fighters classic 'Everlong.'

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