The El Paso Zoo has trusted us enough to not do anything crazy as one family did over the weekend. But this viral video that's been going around is proof El Paso can't have nice things. Everyone has already seen this video of a family breaking the rules at the El Paso Zoo.

Thanks to The Real FitFam EP we all got a glimpse of some parents carelessly putting their children in harm's way. That viral video was a perfect example of bad parenting at its finest. Some of us who are also parents were stunned that they could do such a thing.

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Now I want to know if other zoo visitors saw what was going on and found a staff member to make a complaint. As a parent myself, I sure as hell would have said something to those parents and the staff. Now in San Diego, California a dad was arrested for sneaking his toddler into the elephant habitat. After the footage surfaced and was seen by the public, Abc 7 News reached out to the El Paso Zoo's Director Joe Montisano.

The Director discussed some changes that will be made at the zoo to prevent another situation such as this occur again. They plan on making their fencing taller to avoid a dangerous matter. In my opinion, the parents should be held liable just like the dad at the zoo in San Diego.

So if you ever see an incident like that in the future, please don't film it and let a staff member know. They should track down who the parents are and hold them liable for putting their kids in danger and trespassing.

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