4th of July Is Still On So You Can See the Fireworks at Home
Just yesterday El Paso leaders announced they're deciding to ban fireworks this year. There are a lot of bummed celebrators that wish Covid-19 would just get the heck out of dodge. Even though I may not enjoy the loud noises fireworks make I sure do love the sight of them. Since there was a major spike in positive Covid-19 cases El Paso leaders want to keep it from spiking even more. Hence, why they decided to ban fireworks this year due to those who can't social distance. If you were looking forward to watching the fireworks with your family you actually still can without leaving home. I know you're probably thinking it isn't the same but beggers can't be choosers. Plus seeing fireworks right at home is better than not seeing any fireworks at all.
Luckily, PBS knows how important it is to see fireworks, especially for the kids. PBS has your back and will be broadcasting their 40th Annual A Capitol Fourth fireworks display. The 40th Annual A Capitol Fourth will not only televise the bright sights but also the sounds from their concert. Another televised program to see that's hosting a fireworks show is Macy's fireworks show off Long Island City. Macy's will be televising their fireworks for your family on NBC. So to those that are saying 4th of July is canceled, technically it isn't. Yes, you were hoping to go nuts and splurge on fireworks to pop this year but not this time. The only bright side to fireworks being banned this year is the hundreds of dollars you're saving. My son will definitely appreciate the televised fireworks since he has always admired watching them.