10 Theme Park Rides That Someone Tragically Lost Their Life On
If your summertime plans consist of visiting a theme park these are the ten rides you need to be aware of! These are ten theme park rides that people lost their lives on over the years.
It's a scary thing when you hear about someone losing their life on a ride at a theme park. The Richest gives you a total of ten theme parks where someone lost their life and Texas is on it! The ride you will recognize and remember riding at Six Flags in Arlington is the New Texas Giant. It took a total of eighteen months to refurbish the rollercoaster and reopened in 2011. A couple years later an older woman was ejected from her seat and fell 75 feet down leading to her death. Some of these theme parks have shut down or remain open with a ride at your own risk sorta deal.
I usually avoid getting on a ride I heard a death occurred on because that kind of news kills it for me.