
Who Is Your Rock Doppelganger?
Who Is Your Rock Doppelganger?
Who Is Your Rock Doppelganger?
As far as I can think back, nothing has ever met any of my expectations rock n' roll couldn't cure. I have always either played drums or sang. It wasn't until I was 15 years old and Skid Row hit, the year was 1989. The fact that me and my hero sing a lot alike is an understatement...
New Rock To Sync Your Teeth Into!
New Rock To Sync Your Teeth Into!
New Rock To Sync Your Teeth Into!
Who doesn't like new rock? I know I do! Working here at the Q, nothing thrills me more than cramming new rock into your eardrums! Whether it's a band that's been around or new up and coming bands, I love giving you our dedicated listeners something to open up the senses...
Bands of Yester-Year Still Rocking!
Bands of Yester-Year Still Rocking!
Bands of Yester-Year Still Rocking!
Ever wonder why you hear a lot of older rock on radio stations? I think it's probably because the music business has a thing or two to do with it. Mostly, young bands don't have the staying power of let's say Metallica, AC/DC, Judas Priest just to name a few...
Rock’s Greatest Anthems!
Rock’s Greatest Anthems!
Rock’s Greatest Anthems!
Every great rock band should and most do, have that one song in their arsenal that really gets your blood pumping. Usually this song is saved as the last song to really bring the show full circle. Everyone through the vaults of rock greatness have that one fist pumper, but AC/DC sealed the deal with me a long time ago with their rock anthem, For Those About To Rock (We Salute You)...
These Chicks Rock!!
These Chicks Rock!!
These Chicks Rock!!
Unless you've been hiding out and not giving notice to the female rock explosion prepare for detonation! It doesn't take a genius to realize that the rock world is definitely getting "prettier"! Not that any of the females from years past weren't gorgeous, but the rock coming out of these ladies mouths are being heard loud and clear...
Guitar Solos Overrated? Or Just Awesome!!!
Guitar Solos Overrated? Or Just Awesome!!!
Guitar Solos Overrated? Or Just Awesome!!!
Over the coarse of time the guitar solo has been just as important as the words written in the song itself. That first few seconds that go by leave a blistering impact on whether you continue the song or pass. With so many bands and a ton of guitarists I personally think it's impossible to choose the best but, here is one of my favorites...
Rock Lyrics That Make You Go HUH?
Rock Lyrics That Make You Go HUH?
Rock Lyrics That Make You Go HUH?
Rock musicians are sometimes the smartest and dumbest, goes hand in hand. The creative process that enable's them to put out the works of genius is breathtaking. With all the excess that comes with being creative, ever wonder what life experience led to their masterpiece? ...
Remember When Heavy Felt Heavy?
Remember When Heavy Felt Heavy?
Remember When Heavy Felt Heavy?
I think every generation has their own moments when music sounded and felt HUGE!! Mine was growing up as a teen in the late 80's and early to mid 90's. For me personally I always thought early Metallica sounded huge and in your face. Now that I've gotten older looking back that seems mediocre to say the least...
Remember The Power Ballad?
Remember The Power Ballad?
Remember The Power Ballad?
In a world where love should rule, times couldn't be more in need of the power ballad. Remember, when if you did your loved one wrong you could always send them a touching radio request to mend that broken heart? I used to get cassette tapes filled with the most popular love songs...
Tattoos And The Workplace
Tattoos And The Workplace
Tattoos And The Workplace
Times sure have changed haven't they? Remember when tattoos were frowned upon, what the hell happened? Now a days tattoos are the norm, strange to say this but running into someone not inked seems very peculiar am I right? I have always been into tattoos and the history of the art as a story teller...
What’s On Your Bucket List?
What’s On Your Bucket List?
What’s On Your Bucket List?
Most of us would agree a vacation out of at least El Paso, would be wonderful! If you had to put together a bucket list of  things to accomplish most would be an amusement park or some desolate island somewhere that brought you peace of mind...

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